
The Advantages of Senior Homes

Caring for your aging parent with a complex medical condition can be difficult especially when you have a family of your own. Responsibilities and lack of medical knowledge can cause your loved one’s health to deteriorate due to the...

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Finding the Right Home Care Through Senior Placement

Are you looking for the appropriate senior care for your aging parents or relatives? Why not consult a professional senior care placement? At Lighthouse Placement and Caregivers, we understand how critical and important it is to choose the right...

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Understanding the Senior Placement and Referral Process

Looking for the right senior housing placement or finding the most suitable caregiver for your loved one can be a challenge. Especially when you know that your aging loved one needs special care and attention that you can no longer accommodate...

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Benefits of In-Home Care for Seniors

As your loved one ages, they experience mental, emotional, and physical changes. These are the reasons why they depend on and need assistance from you. However, you might not be there for them 24/7 because you also have other responsibilities to...

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The Unique Kind of Veteran Care

Veterans may not have only participated in war and peacekeeping duties but may have also been involved in humanitarian deployments where they may have experienced tragedies and terrible circumstances. This may have caused a lasting and profound...

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How to Take Care of Patients with Diabetes

One of the most common diseases of the elderly is diabetes. It is a disease characterized by high blood glucose or blood sugar level. Having enormous amounts of glucose in your body can cause serious damage to your eyes, kidneys, and nerves. In...

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