Category Archives: Uncategorized


Your 5-Step Guide to Quality Senior Care

There’s nothing to be guilty about looking for help and assistance especially when you truly need it. After all, everybody needs help at one point or another. Too many of our senior loved ones, the need for assistance can just be heightened and...

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Is Assisted Living the Right Path for You?

The familiar environment of our very own homes holds a major influence for many seniors to choose to age in their own abode. This sense of familiarity nurtures their feeling of confidence, independence, and self-control. Hence, even when they face...

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Everyday Challenges for Seniors Who Live on Their Own

Retirement age is the ideal time to relax and enjoy life. Unfortunately, this is not true for everyone. With seniority, age-related concerns start to arise. As a result, oldsters find it difficult to pursue their much-awaited plans and are forced...

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How Seniors Can Benefit from Senior Placement

What option is best for your senior loved one? This is a question many families are asking themselves. Well, in truth, you don’t really have to go too far to find the answer. Reputable agencies, like Lighthouse Professional Placement &...

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5 Ways Seniors Can Benefit from Memory Care

Modern-day care providers usually have several components to their services, one of them being memory care. These days, a lot of emphasis has been put on memory care at home which allows seniors suffering from any form of dementia to receive the...

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