Students and working adults are not the only ones who face stress in their day-to-day lives. Even seniors suffer the consequences brought on by stress! Luckily for you, Lighthouse Placement and Caregivers has prepared a list of suggestions that should help you combat stress:
- Do yoga
Who says yoga is only for younger people? Being a low-impact exercise, it serves as a great option for seniors who want to stay in shape and, at the same time, practice mindfulness.Through yoga, you are able to boost your concentration, stay in tune with your body, and internalize your own thoughts. By practicing this form of exercise regularly, you will be able to help decrease the levels of stress you experience.
- Try cognitive puzzles
Don’t feel intimidated by the name! Cognitive puzzles refer to thinking games such as crossword puzzles and Sudoku. What they can offer is a relaxing mental exercise that distracts your brain by encouraging it to focus and concentrate on the task at hand.Putting these cognitive puzzles to work also brings other mental benefits as it offers regular mental stimulation. Another good thing about these puzzles is that they are readily available. In fact, you can give it a try now in your local newspaper!
- Practice breathing exercises
That’s right! Even something as simple as breathing exercises can help ease the stress on your mind. In fact, it is one of the most convenient practices you can try.Are you wondering how it is done? Just as the name implies, all you will need to do is take a few deep and controlled breaths. This short moment will aid you in regaining a sense of calm and negating stress. As an option, you can also incorporate this practice with meditation.
- Perform cognitive restructuring
Have you ever tried looking at things from a different angle? Sometimes, being fixated on a single point of view can draw out more of the negatives in a situation. However, if you choose to inspect your predicament from several angles, you will see that there remains to be a lot of positives.This technique is what you would call cognitive restructuring. Specifically speaking, cognitive restructuring is a part of cognitive therapy and is usually administered to remedy several issues—stress being one of them. Apart from doing it on your own, you can also request for Companionship Care and share your thoughts with a caring home health aide!
- Cooking
If you love having good food, then without a doubt, you would enjoy cooking too. This simple task may have once been a daily chore in your household, but now that you’re older, you have more time on your hands to prepare your meals with added flourish. Challenge yourself by coming up with healthier versions of your favorite meals! No cooking saga is ever the same. The best part? You get to enjoy the dishes that you made and share it with your loved ones.
Remember, stress isn’t permanent!
While it’s true that stress is, indeed, an inevitable part of daily life, it still remains something that you can manage on your own. Aside from these suggestions, you should also consider getting a Caregiver in Walnut Creek, California to help you manage your daily tasks. With their assistance, your entire retirement experience will never be as stressful again. We can even assist you with assisted living placement!
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